Balanced Application of Peer Reviewed Literature
Adapted from Dr. Eric Helm's Muscle and Strength Pyramid and various articles written by Dr. Mike Israetel (click image to view research sources)
What does Evidence Based MEan?
"Evidence based" a term nearing on being a buzzword in the fitness industry, is something that has repeatable evidence or results behind it. In order for training to claim to be evidence based it obviously needs to have peer reviewed literature supporting its methods. While I am a supporter of training based in the literature, I think there are some pros & cons that need to be quickly addressed.
- Can easily be misinterpreted to fit biases
- Generally hard to understand and appropriately apply
- Most research has been done on people with little to no prior training, a time at which almost anything will drive adaptation (otherwise referred to as a "novice")
- Repeatable methods and results
- Generally easy to access
What is your training age?
Your training program must meet you where you are at
Someone new to training shouldn't be picking up a random program that a celebrity or top level athlete is doing. Your training program needs to be based on what your body best responds to right now. By following a cookie cutter program or one that is way too much volume and exercise variety you will progress at a much slower rate. Few people appropriately apply this concept and yet it is arguably the most important variable in a program.